Saturday 15 March 2014

The Vision Thing

(To the Sources)

‘…Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.…’ (Matthew 17:9)

From Matthew 17:1-9 (Year A: Lent 2)
Frequently in the middle of a tense thrilling film there is a lighter episode characterised by relief from the drama.  Visions, clouds, appearances, voices and joy mixed with fear appear in this story of the ‘Transfiguration’. The account varies a little bit across the synoptic gospels. The key element of the story are there including the natural follow-up (or preceding part in Luke) which is not inserted into this Sunday’s reading - namely that Jesus must suffer

God knows we need relief at times from the journey not least when we know major challenges lie ahead – be it pending surgery and other matters or just the business of growing old year by year and drawing closer to ageing, sickness and death – three things we can be certain about in life.

But if we are certain about these three things we can be encouraged and empowered by three other things: trust, hope and love. These make all the difference to us as disciples on the mountain with others, in a cloud, anxious at times but surprised by joy in the presence of someone greater than our worries, uncertainties and horizons.  The disciples may not have seen too far that day with the cloud (mist?) on the mountain. It might have been like climbing Croagh Patrick to find mist and rain at the top and not a sight of Clew Bay.  However, they are the presence of mind to suggest erecting three tents (one for Moses, one for Elijah and one for Jesus).

Perhaps we could think of these three tents as being for (1) Peace (2) Contentedness and (3) Freedom. Who doesn’t want these things deep down – for themselves and their others?  

This is the Vision Thing. Keep moving towards it.

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