Sunday 9 February 2014

A wounded blessing

To the sources:
From Luke 2:22-40 (Year A: Presentation of Jesus)

Simeon blessed the child Jesus and his mother Mary. But it was, so to speak, a mixed blessing. In fact it was also a wounding (the French word is blessure).  He foretold a deep wounding and by foretelling it Mary knew that blessings of a wounding sort were in store for her.
Sometimes people can says things to us that are deeply wounding. Or, we sometimes can do the same to others.  What is so wounding is the ‘thoughts revealed’ as Simeon says in the same breath. We speak from what is within the heart and, unfortunately, what is there is not always to our own good or those who hear us. But, sometimes what has a wounding effect is, ultimately, for the good of the other or ourselves.
The ultimate wounding for Mary occurred in the desolation of calvary.  We are all destined at some stage to face deeply wounding moments in our life’s journey.  With great blessings and giftedness comes much responsibility and not infrequently great suffering, misunderstanding - even persecution.

Mary’s discipleship began at the annunciation, was confirmed at the presentation and reached its low point on calvary and a high point 2 days later.  Nobody ever claimed that Christian discipleship is a picnic. It’s a journey with sudden and sharp twists and turns interspersed with long periods of even ground.  Simeon knew this only too well.

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